
Food of Ronda

With the cuisine of Ronda, as in the province of Málaga and all of Andalusia, there is something for everyone. There is a great variety and richness with this Mediterranean diet.

For meat eaters: sausages, jamón, fish served in a variety of ways as platters, stews, fried, cooked etc.
Examples: las migas con chorizo, las judías con morcilla , el conejo a la rondeña, el rabo de toro, tortilla a la rondena, ensalada rusa...

For vegetarians: a variety of fruits and vegetables, cheese (mainly from sheep and goats), legumes, salads etc.
Examples: patatas bravas, tortilla espanola, gazpacho, almond soup, artichoke soup, spinach and chickpea stew, fried aubergine slices with honey, pimientos de Padrón, spinach croquettes, local mushrooms, tomatoes, figs, honey, nuts, lentils...

For those with a sweet tooth, "churros" can be found in many coffee shops. In convents you can purchase sweets made by the nuns, for example "yemas de Ronda", cakes, pastries and many other sweets are available to enjoy at many cafés and bakeries in Ronda.

Despite all of the variety and richness of the cuisine here, my heart was stolen by a simple bocadillo (sandwich). My all time favourite is just a plain mollete (a type of flatbread) with olive oil, tomato puree and a bit of salt (for meat you can add a slice of serrano ham). Add a cup of coffee and maybe a portion of churros, and there’s nothing more that I need for the perfect breakfast!

Mollete and coffee

As Hemingway famously said about Ronda "...Nice promenades, good wine, excellent food, nothing to do..." Maybe during his time there was not much to do in Ronda, today is definitely more...but I actually enjoy having "nothing to do" because why do we always have to do something? Sometimes the best moments can be when you just sit, enjoy your coffee and watch the world go by.

Download a guide to the cuisine of Andalusia here